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XML sales order 

In this section, you are able to configure a XML sales order export either via FTP or a web service. 

If you wish to test or review the latest version of the XML sales order, you can download it here.

Tabular message description

This table describes each XML element/tag and is continuously updated with the latest version being 38.

XML Tags / AttributesLengthIt.TypeDescription
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

XML version and encoding
<Order Id="489307" XMLVersion="38">

Sales order ID and XML version
|-- <OrderHeader>

|  |-- <Source>

|  |-- <ExternalSystemOrderNo>

intSales order number
|  |-- <OrderDate raw=123456">

Sales order date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100
|  |-- <CreatedBy>
0stringOrdered by, first name + last name
|  |-- <CreatedByEmail>

stringOrdered by, email-address
|  |-- <OrderNumber>

intSales order number
|  |-- <ExternalOrderNumber>

stringExternal sales order number, custom value
|  |-- <ExternalOrderReference>

stringExternal order reference, custom value
|  |-- <CustomerNo>

stringCustomer number
|  |-- <CustomerId>

intNettailer customer id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupId>

stringCustomer group id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupName>

stringCustomer group name
|  |-- <CustomerGLN>
0stringCustomer GLN number
|  |-- <CustomerErpId>

stringcustomer ERP id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupErpId>

stringCustomer group ERP id
|  |-- <SalesPersonExportId>

stringSales person export id
|  |-- <GoodsLabel>

stringGoods label
|  |-- <Currency>

stringCurrency code e.g. EUR
|  |-- <CurrencyId>

intNettailer currency id
|  |-- <CurrencyDisplay>

stringDisplayed curreny code
|  |-- <CurrencyDisplayId>

intDisplayed Nettailer currency id
|  |-- <CustomerPO>

stringCustomer reference
|  |-- <InvoiceReference>

stringInvoice reference
|  |-- <Status>

intNettailer order status id
|  |-- <IsDirectDelivery>

stringDirect delivery, true or false
|  |-- <OrderAttester>

stringOrder attester / approver
|  |-- <Administrator>

|  |-- <AdministratorLogin>

stringAdministrator login session
|  |-- <AdministratorExportId>

stringAdministrator export id
|  |-- <SalesTeam>

Sales team label ADD-ON

|  |  |-- <SalesTeamExportId>

Sales team export id ADD-ON

|  |-- <CustomFieldData>

|  |-- <ExtrinsicFields>


|  |  |-- <Extrinsic name ="sample_name">

Value added to extrinsic field ADD-ON

|  |-- <ResellerInformation>
0..nstringReseller information
|  |  |-- <Name>

stringReseller name / shop name
|  |  |-- <CorpRegNo>

stringCompany registration number
|  |  |-- <VatNumber>

stringVAT number
|  |-- <CompanyInformation>

stringCompany information
|  |  |-- <Name>

stringReseller name / shop name
|  |  |-- <CorpRegNo>

stringCompany registration number
|  |  |-- <VatNumber>

stringVAT number
|  |-- <ContactInformation>

stringContact information
|  |  |-- <Contact>

stringContact info first name + surname
|  |  |-- <Name firstName="Netset" lastName="Demo">

stringContact info first name + surname
|  |  |-- <Phone>

stringContact info phone
|  |  |-- <Mobile>

stringContact info mobile
|  |  |-- <Fax>

stringContact info fax
|  |  |-- <Email>

stringContact info Email
|  |-- <DeliveryRecipientContactInformation>

stringDelivery recipient contact information
|  |  |-- <Name>

stringDelivery recipient first name + surname
|  |  |-- <Email>

stringDelivery recipient Email
|  |  |-- <Phone1>

stringDelivery recipient phone
|  |  |-- <Phone2>

stringDelivery recipient direct phone
|  |  |-- <Mobile>

stringDelivery recipient cellular (mobile)
|  |  |-- <Fax>

stringDelivery recipient fax
|  |-- <ShipmentOptions>

Shipment option information
|  |  |-- <Rental>



|  |  |-- <Payment>
0..nstringPayment option
|  |  |-- <Payed>

intPayed value, 1 or 0
|  |  |-- <Delivery>

stringDelivery option
|  |  |-- <DeliveryCode>

stringDelivery option code
|  |  |-- <AllowPartialDelivery>

intAllow partial delivery option, 1 or 0
|  |  |-- <PaymentInformation>

|  |-- <FinancingOptions>

|  |  |--  <FinancingPeriod>

intDefault finance period (month)
|  |-- <AddressingInformation>

Adressing information
|  |  |--  <BillToAddress displayToCustomer ="true" id="12345">

|  |  |  |--  <AddressName label="Name">
0stringContact info > first name + surname
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>


|  |  |  |--  <Company label="Company">
0stringInvoice company name
|  |  |  |--  <Address1 label ="Address">
|  |  |  |--  <Zip label ="Zip code">
0stringZip code
|  |  |  |--  <City label="City">
|  |  |  |--  <Country code="dk" label="Country">
|  |  |--  <ShipToAddress displayToCustomer="true" id="12345">

|  |  |  |--  <AddressName label="Name">
0stringContact info > first name + surname
 |  |  |  |-- <Company label="Company">

stringDirect-shipment company
 |  |  |  |-- <Address1 label="Address">
0stringDirect-shipment address
 |  |  |  |-- <Address2 label="Attention">
0stringDirect-shipment attention 
 |  |  |  |-- <Zip label=Zip code">
0stringDirect-shipment zip code
 |  |  |  |-- <City label="City">
0stringDirect-shipment city
 |  |  |  |-- <State label="State">
0stringDirect-shipment state
 |  |  |  |-- <Country code="dk" label="Country">
0stringDirect-shipment country
 |  |  |-- <CrossShipmentAddress>

 |  |-- <ShippingTotal>

Shipping total information
|  |  |-- <VAT>

|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>

doubleExclusive VAT
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>

doubleInclusive VAT
|  |  |-- <VATDisplay>

doubleDisplay VAT
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleExclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleInclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent exclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent inclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <TaxCode>

doubleTax code
|  |  |-- <ShippingArticleNo>

stringShipping matrix article number
|  |-- <Fees>

|  |-- <OrderTotal>

Order total information
|  |  |-- <VAT>

|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal exclusive VAT
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal inclusive VAT
|  |  |-- <RentVAT>

doubleTotal rent VAT
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent exclusive Vat
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent inclusive VAT
|  |  |-- <VATDisplay>

doubleTotal VAT display
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal exclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal inclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>

doubleTotal rent VAT display
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal rent exclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal rent inclusive VAT display
|-- <OrderLines>

|  |-- <ProductLine type=0" id="86162" groupid="86162" parentid="" quoteid="">

|  |  |-- <LineId>

intOrder line ID e.g 1
|  |  |-- <ManufacturerArticleNo>

stringManufacturer article number
|  |  |-- <SupplierArticleNo>

stringSupplier article number
|  |  |-- <Label>

stringProduct label
|  |  |-- <Labels>

stringMultiple label attribute
|  |  |-- <Label iso="en" =language="English">

stringProduct label in different language e.g. English, Danish
|  |  |-- <Manufacturer>

|  |  |-- <Restrictions>

|  |  |-- <Supplier>

stringSupplier (Nettailer)
|  |  |-- <SupplierExportId>

stringSupplier (Nettailer) export id
|  |  |-- <Quantity>

|  |  |-- <CostPrice>

doubleCost price
|  |  |-- <DiscountPercent>

intDiscount percent
|  |  |-- <SupplierPrice>

doubleSupplier price
|  |  |-- <RegisteredPurchasePrice>

doubleRegistered purchase price
|  |  |-- <CalculatedPurchasePrice>

doubleCalculated purchase price
|  |  |-- <CalculatedCostPrice>

doubleCalculated cost price
|  |  |-- <Instock>

intIn stock e.g. 50
|  |  |-- <StockETA>

Stock date
|  |  |-- <PurchasePriceType>

intPurchase price type
|  |  |-- <MainCategory>

stringMain category
|  |  |-- <MainCategoryExportId>

stringMain category export id
|  |  |-- <Category>

|  |  |-- <CategoryCode>

stringCategory code
|  |  |-- <CategoryExportId>

stringCategory export id
|  |  |-- <UNSPSC>

|  |  |-- <Family>

stringProduct family
|  |  |-- <Status>

intProduct status e.g 100
|  |  |-- <Bid>

|  |  |-- <TaxCode>

stringTax code
|  |  |-- <ProductConditionCode>

intProduct condition code
|  |  |-- <Comment>

|  |  |-- <Image>

stringImage URL
|  |  |-- <ProductId>

stringProduct Nettailer-id
|  |  |-- <TaxPercent>

doubleTax percent e.g 0.2500
|  |  |-- <SalesPrice>

Sales price information
 |  |  |  |-- <VAT>

 |  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>

doubleSales price exclusive VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>

doubleSales price inclusive Vat
 |  |  |  |-- <RentVAT>

doublerent VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>

doubleSales price exclusive rent VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>

doubleSales price inclusive rent VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <VATDisplay>

doubleVAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleSales price exclusive VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleSales price incslusive VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>

doubleRent VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleSales price exclusive VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleSales price incslusive VAT display
 |  |  |-- <DeliveredQuantity>0
intDelivered quantity e.g. 0
 |  |  |-- <PurchaseOrderNumber>

stringPurchase order number
|  |  |-- <PurchaseOrderItemId>

stringPurchase order item id
|  |  |-- <productforms>
Product forms
|  |  |-- <Flags>
|  |  |-- <BusinessArea>

Business area information ADD-ON

 |  |  |  |-- <Name>


Name of business area ADD-ON

 |  |  |  |-- Export-<Id>


Export-id of business area ADD-ON

|  |  |-- <TotalPrice>

Total price information
|  |  |  |-- <VAT>

|  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal price exclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- InclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal price inclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentVAT>

doubleRent VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent exclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent inclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <VATDisplay>

doubleVAT display
|  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal price exclusive VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal price inclusive VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>

doubleRent VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent exclusive vat display
|  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent inclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <Suppliers>

Supplier information
|  |  |  |-- <Supplier>
|  |  |  |  |-- <Name>

stringSupplier name
|  |  |  |-- <SupplierExportId>

stringSupplier export id
|  |  |  |-- <SupplierArticleNo>
0stringSupplier article number
|  |  |  |-- <PurchasePrice>

doubleSupplier purchase price
|  |  |  |-- <Instock>

doubleSupplier instock
|  |  |-- <ExtrinsicFields>

Extrinsic information ADD-ON

|  |  |  |-- <Extrinsic name="Test">

Extrinsic field value ADD-ON

|  |  |-- <Assortments>

|-- <Comment>

Comment information
|  |-- <AdminLink>

stringAdmin URL to order
|  |-- <CommentText>

stringComment text
|-- <InternalComment>

Internal comment information
|  |-- <AdminLink>

stringAdmin URL to order
|  |-- <CommentText>

stringComment text

  • No labels