XML sales order
In this section, you are able to configure a XML sales order export either via FTP or a web service.
Tabular message description
This table describes each XML element/tag and is continuously updated with the latest version being 38.
XML Tags / Attributes | Length | It. | Type | Description |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | - | 1 | - | XML schema version and encoding |
<Order> | - | 1 | - | Sales order |
| |-- @Id | - | M | int | Sales order internal id |
| |-- @XMLVersion | - | M | int | Version of sales order xml |
|-- <OrderHeader> | - | 1 | - | Sales order header |
| |-- <Source> | 200 | 1 | string | From where the order was created i.e. an order import. Is blank if created in checkout |
| |-- <ExternalSystemOrderNo> | - | 1 | long | Sales order number |
| |-- <OrderDate> | 24 | 1 | string | Sales order created date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100 |
| | |-- @raw | - | M | long | Sales order created date in epoch format in milliseconds |
| |-- <CreatedBy> | 200 | 1 | string | Ordered by, first name + last name |
| |-- <CreatedByEmail> | 80 | 1 | string | Ordered by, email-address |
| |-- <OrderNumber> | - | 1 | long | Sales order number |
| |-- <ExternalOrderNumber> | 200 | 1 | string | External sales order number, custom value |
| |-- <ExternalOrderReference> | 200 | 1 | string | External order reference, custom value |
| |-- <CustomerNo> | 20 | 1 | string | Customer number |
| |-- <CustomerId> | - | 1 | int | Customer internal id |
| |-- <CustomerGroupId> | 10 | 1 | string | Customer group internal id |
| |-- <CustomerGroupName> | 200 | 1 | string | Customer group name |
| |-- <CustomerGLN> | 20 | 1 | string | Customer GLN number |
| |-- <CustomerErpId> | 20 | 1 | string | Customer ERP id |
| |-- <CustomerGroupErpId> | 20 | 1 | string | Customer group ERP id |
| |-- <SalesPersonExportId> | 200 | 1 | string | Sales person export id |
| |-- <GoodsLabel> | 200 | 1 | string | Goods label |
| |-- <Currency> | 10 | 1 | string | Shop currency name |
| |-- <CurrencyId> | - | 1 | int | Shop currency internal id |
| |-- <CurrencyDisplay> | 10 | 1 | string | Displayed customer currency name |
| |-- <CurrencyDisplayId> | - | 1 | int | Displayed customer currency internal id |
| |-- <CustomerPO> | 200 | 1 | string | Customer reference |
| |-- <InvoiceReference> | 200 | 1 | string | Invoice reference |
| |-- <Status> | - | 1 | int | Nettailer order status id
| |-- <IsDirectDelivery> | 5 | 1 | string | Direct delivery, "true" or "false" |
| |-- <OrderAttester> | 401 | 1 | string | Order attester / approver name |
| |-- <Administrator> | 401 | 1 | string | Name of "Approved by" administrator |
| |-- <AdministratorLogin> | 200 | 1 | string | Username of "Approved by" administrator |
| |-- <AdministratorExportId> | 200 | 1 | string | Export id of "Approved by" administrator |
| |-- <SalesTeam> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Sales team label ADD-ON |
| |-- <SalesTeamExportId> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Sales team export id ADD-ON |
| |-- <CustomFieldData> | - | 1 | - | Custom defined checkout fields |
| | |-- <Field> | - | 0..n | - | - |
| | | |-- @id | - | M | int | Id of field |
| | | |-- <Label> | 200 | 1 | string | label of field |
| | | |-- <Value> | 200 | 1 | string | value of field |
| |-- <ExtrinsicFields> | - | 1 | string | Custom export fields ADD-ON |
| | |-- <Extrinsic> | 200 | 0..n | string | Value of extrinsic field |
| | | |-- @name | 200 | M | string | Extrinsic field name |
| |-- <ResellerInformation> | - | 1 | - | Reseller/Shop information |
| | |-- <Name> | 200 | 1 | string | Reseller/Shop name |
| | |-- <CorpRegNo> | 200 | 1 | string | Company registration number or Shop organization number |
| | |-- <VatNumber> | 200 | 1 | string | Shop VAT number |
| |-- <CompanyInformation> | - | 1 | - | Customer company information |
| | |-- <Name> | 200 | 1 | string | Customer company name |
| | |-- <CorpRegNo> | 40 | 1 | string | Customer registration number |
| | |-- <VatNumber> | 40 | 1 | string | Customer VAT number |
| |-- <ContactInformation> | - | 1 | - | Sales order contact information |
| | |-- <Contact> | 401 | 1 | string | Contact first name + last name |
| | |-- <Name> | - | 1 | - | |
| | | |-- @firstName | 200 | M | string | Contact first name |
| | | |-- @lastName | 200 | M | string | Contact last name |
| | |-- <Phone> | 40 | 1 | string | Contact phone number |
| | |-- <Mobile> | 40 | 1 | string | Contact mobile number |
| | |-- <Fax> | 40 | 1 | string | Contact fax number |
| | |-- <Email> | 80 | 1 | string | Contact email |
| |-- <InvoiceRecipientContactInformation> | - | 1 | - | Invoice recipient contact information |
| | |-- <Contact> | 401 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient first name + last name |
| | |-- <Name> | 401 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient first name + last name |
| | |-- <Phone> | 40 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient phone number |
| | |-- <Mobile> | 40 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient mobile number |
| | |-- <Fax> | 40 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient fax number |
| | |-- <Email> | 80 | 1 | string | Invoice recipient email |
| |-- <DeliveryRecipientContactInformation> | - | 1 | - | Delivery recipient contact information |
| | |-- <Name> | 401 | string | Delivery recipient first name + last name | |
| | |-- <Email> | 80 | string | Delivery recipient email | |
| | |-- <Phone1> | 40 | string | Delivery recipient phone number | |
| | |-- <Phone2> | 40 | string | Delivery recipient direct phone number | |
| | |-- <Mobile> | 40 | string | Delivery recipient mobile number | |
| | |-- <Fax> | 40 | string | Delivery recipient fax number | |
| |-- <ShipmentOptions> | - | 1 | - | Shipment option information |
| | |-- <Rental> | - | 1 | int | Payment is rent type. 1 or 0 |
| | |-- <Payment> | 200 | 1 | string | Payment option name |
| | |-- <Payed> | - | 1 | int | Is order payed for. 1 or 0 |
| | |-- <Delivery> | 200 | 1 | string | Delivery option name |
| | |-- <DeliveryCode> | 20 | 1 | string | Delivery option external id |
| | |-- <AllowPartialDelivery> | - | 1 | int | Allow partial delivery, 1 or 0 |
| | |-- <PaymentInformation> | - | 1 | - | Payment information |
| | | |-- <Payment> | - | 0..n | - | Payment transactions |
| | | | |-- <Provider> | inf | 1 | string | Payment provider name |
| | | | |-- <TransactionId> | 200 | 1 | string | Payment transaction id |
| | | | |-- <TransactionDate> | 24 | 1 | string | Payment transaction date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100 |
| | | | |-- <PaymentStatus> | 200 | 1 | string | Payment transaction status |
| |-- <FinancingOptions> | - | 1 | - | Financing information |
| | |-- <FinancingPeriod> | - | 1 | int | Finance period in months |
| |-- <AddressingInformation> | - | 1 | - | Addressing information. |
| | |-- <BillToAddress> | - | 1 | - | Sales order invoice address. |
| | | |-- @displayToCustomer | 5 | M | string | Address visible to customer. "true" or "false" |
| | | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Corresponding customer invoice address internal id |
| | | |-- <AddressName> | 401 | 0..1 | string | Sales order contact first name + last name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Static value "Name" translated |
| | | |-- <Attention> | 200 | 1 | string | Invoice address name |
| | | |-- <Company> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address company name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address1> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 1 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address2> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 2 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address3> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 3 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address4> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 4 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <County> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address county |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Zip> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address zip code |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <City> | 100 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address city |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <State> | 50 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address state |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Country> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice country name |
| | | | |-- @code | 3 | M | string | Invoice country code (isoAlpha3) |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Code> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address code |
| | | |-- <GLN> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address GLN |
| | |-- <ShipToAddress> | - | 1 | - | Sales order delivery address. |
| | | |-- @displayToCustomer | 5 | M | string | Address visible to customer. "true" or "false" |
| | | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Corresponding customer delivery address internal id |
| | | |-- <AddressName> | 401 | 0..1 | string | Sales order contact first name + last name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Static value "Name" translated |
| | | |-- <Attention> | 200 | 1 | string | Delivery address name |
| | | |-- <Company> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address company name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address1> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address street line 1 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address2> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address street line 2 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address3> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address street line 3 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address4> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address street line 4 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <County> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address county |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Zip> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address zip code |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <City> | 100 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address city |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <State> | 50 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address state |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Country> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery country name |
| | | | |-- @code | 3 | M | string | Delivery country code (isoAlpha3) |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Code> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address code |
| | | |-- <GLN> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Delivery address GLN |
| | |-- <CrossShipmentAddress> | - | 1 | - | Sales order invoice address. |
| | | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Corresponding customer invoice address internal id |
| | | |-- <AddressName> | 401 | 0..1 | string | Sales order contact first name + last name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Static value "Name" translated |
| | | |-- <Attention> | 200 | 1 | string | Invoice address name |
| | | |-- <Company> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address company name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address1> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 1 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address2> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 2 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address3> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 3 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address4> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address street line 4 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <County> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address county |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Zip> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address zip code |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <City> | 100 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address city |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <State> | 50 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address state |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Country> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice country name |
| | | | |-- @code | 3 | M | string | Invoice country code (isoAlpha3) |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Code> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address code |
| | | |-- <GLN> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Invoice address GLN |
| | |-- <EndDestination> | - | 0..1 | - | Sales order end destination address. |
| | | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Corresponding customer end destination address internal id |
| | | |-- <AddressName> | 401 | 0..1 | string | Sales order contact first name + last name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Static value "Name" translated |
| | | |-- <Attention> | 200 | 1 | string | End destination address name |
| | | |-- <Company> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address company name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address1> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address street line 1 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address2> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address street line 2 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address3> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address street line 3 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address4> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address street line 4 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <County> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address county |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Zip> | 20 | 0..1 | string | End destination address zip code |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <City> | 100 | 0..1 | string | End destination address city |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <State> | 50 | 0..1 | string | End destination address state |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Country> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination country name |
| | | | |-- @code | 3 | M | string | End destination country code (isoAlpha3) |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Code> | 200 | 0..1 | string | End destination address code |
| | | |-- <GLN> | 20 | 0..1 | string | End destination address GLN |
| | |-- <Consignee> | - | 0..1 | - | Sales order consignee address. |
| | | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Corresponding customer consignee address internal id |
| | | |-- <AddressName> | 401 | 0..1 | string | Sales order contact first name + last name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Static value "Name" translated |
| | | |-- <Attention> | 200 | 1 | string | Consignee address name |
| | | |-- <Company> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address company name |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address1> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address street line 1 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address2> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address street line 2 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address3> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address street line 3 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Address4> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address street line 4 |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <County> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address county |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Zip> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address zip code |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <City> | 100 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address city |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <State> | 50 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address state |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Country> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee country name |
| | | | |-- @code | 3 | M | string | Consignee country code (isoAlpha3) |
| | | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | This field's label in checkout |
| | | |-- <Code> | 200 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address code |
| | | |-- <GLN> | 20 | 0..1 | string | Consignee address GLN |
| |-- <ShippingTotal> | - | 1 | - | Shipping total information |
| | |-- <VAT> | - | 1 | double | Shipping VAT |
| | |-- <ExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Shipping with VAT excluded |
| | |-- <InclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Shipping with VAT included |
| | |-- <VATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Shipping VAT in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Shipping with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Shipping with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Shipping rent with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Shipping rent with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <TaxCode> | 200 | 1 | string | Shipping tax code |
| | |-- <ShippingArticleNo> | 50 | 1 | string | Shipping matrix article number |
| |-- <Fees> | - | - | 1 | Fees |
| | |-- <Fee> | - | 0..n | - | Fee |
| | | |-- @label | inf | M | string | Fee label |
| | | |-- TaxCode | 200 | 1 | string | Fee tax code |
| | | |-- Cost | - | 1 | - | Fee cost |
| | | | |-- <VAT> | - | 1 | double | Fee VAT |
| | | | |-- <ExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Fee with VAT excluded |
| | | | |--<InclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Fee with VAT included |
| | | | |--<VATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Fee VAT in customer displayed currency |
| | | | |--<ExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Fee with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | | | |--<InclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Fee with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| |-- <OrderTotal> | - | 1 | - | Order total information |
| | |-- <VAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total VAT |
| | |-- <ExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total with VAT excluded |
| | |-- <InclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total with VAT included |
| | |-- <RentVAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent VAT |
| | |-- <RentExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent with VAT excluded |
| | |-- <RentInclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent with VAT included |
| | |-- <VATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total VATin customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <RentVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent VAT in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Order total rent with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| |-- <Quotes> | - | 0..1 | - | Quote information |
| | |-- <Quote> | - | 0..n | - | Quote information |
| | | |-- <Id> | - | 1 | int | Quote internal id |
| | | |-- <QuoteNumber> | 200 | 1 | string | Quote number |
| | | |-- <Name> | 200 | 1 | string | Quote label |
| | | |-- <SalesPrice> | 1 | double | Quote sales price | |
| | | |-- <CreatedDate> | 24 | 1 | string | Quote created date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100 |
| | | |-- <QuoteAdmin> | - | 1 | - | Administrator who created quote |
| | | | |-- <Name> | 200 | 1 | string | Name of administrator who created quote |
| | | | |-- <Id> | 10 | 1 | string | Internal id of administrator who created quote |
| | | | |-- <ExportId> | 200 | 1 | string | Export id of administrator who created quote |
|-- <OrderLines> | - | 1 | - | Order lines |
| |-- <ProductLine> | - | 0..n | - | Order line |
| | |-- @type | - | M | int | Type of order line: Normal - 0 |
| | |-- @id | 10 | M | string | Internal id of order line |
| | |-- @groupid | 10 | M | string | If the item is part of a package, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the package head. Otherwise it's identical to the internal id of the same line. |
| | |-- @parentid | 10 | M | string | If the item is a product option, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the option parent. Otherwise it's blank If the item is a tariff item, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the tariff product. Otherwise it's blank. |
| | |-- @quoteid | 10 | M | string | If the item is part of a quote, this value corresponds to the internal id of the quote. |
| | |-- <LineId> | - | 1 | int | Order line number enumerated from 1 |
| | |-- <ManufacturerArticleNo> | 50 | 1 | string | Manufacturer article number |
| | |-- <SupplierArticleNo> | 75 | 1 | string | Supplier article number |
| | |-- <Label> | 750 | 1 | string | Product label |
| | |-- <Labels> | - | 0..1 | - | Language specific labels |
| | | |-- <Label iso="en" =language="English"> | string | Language specific label | ||
| | | |-- @iso | 2 | M | string | Language two-letter ISO code |
| | | |-- @language | inf | M | string | Language display name |
| | |-- <Manufacturer> | 200 | 1 | string | Manufacturer |
| | |-- <Restrictions> | 50 | 0..1 | string | Restrictions |
| | |-- <Supplier> | 200 | 1 | string | Supplier name |
| | |-- <SupplierExportId> | 200 | 1 | string | Supplier export id |
| | |-- <Quantity> | - | 1 | double | Quantity |
| | |-- <CostPrice> | - | 1 | double | Cost price |
| | |-- <DiscountPercent> | - | 1 | int | Discount percent |
| | |-- <SupplierPrice> | - | 1 | double | Supplier price |
| | |-- <RegisteredPurchasePrice> | - | 1 | double | Registered purchase price |
| | |-- <CalculatedPurchasePrice> | - | 1 | double | Calculated purchase price |
| | |-- <CalculatedCostPrice> | - | 1 | double | Calculated cost price |
| | |-- <Instock> | - | 1 | int | In stock e.g. 50 |
| | |-- <StockETA> | 10 | 1 | string | Stock date in format with format 2024-03-25 |
| | |-- <PurchasePriceType> | - | 1 | int | Purchase price type Undefined - 0 Normal - 1 Verva - 2 BID - 3 |
| | |-- <MainCategory> | 254 | 1 | string | Main category label |
| | |-- <MainCategoryExportId> | 400 | 1 | string | Main category export id |
| | |-- <Category> | 243 | 1 | string | Category label |
| | |-- <CategoryCode> | 20 | 1 | string | Category code |
| | |-- <CategoryExportId> | 400 | 1 | string | Category export id |
| | |-- <UNSPSC> | 20 | 1 | string | UNSPSC code |
| | | |-- @version | 20 | M | string | UNSPSC version |
| | |-- <Family> | 200 | 1 | string | Product family |
| | |-- <Status> | - | 1 | int | Nettailer order status id
| | |-- <Bid> | 200 | 1 | string | Bid |
| | |-- <TaxCode> | 200 | 1 | string | Tax code |
| | |-- <ProductConditionCode> | - | 1 | int | Product condition code |
| | |-- <Comment> | 250 | 1 | string | Line comment |
| | |-- <Image> | inf | 1 | string | Image URL |
| | |-- <ProductId> | 10 | 1 | string | Product Nettailer-id |
| | |-- <TaxPercent> | - | 1 | double | Tax percent e.g 0.2500 |
| | |-- <SalesPrice> | - | 1 | - | Sales price information |
| | | |-- <VAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price VAT |
| | | |-- <ExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price with VAT excluded |
| | | |-- <InclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price with VAT included |
| | | |-- <RentVAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price rent VAT |
| | | |-- <RentExclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price rent with VAT excluded |
| | | |-- <RentInclusiveVAT> | - | 1 | double | Sales price rent with VAT included |
| | | |-- <VATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Sales price VAT in customer displayed currency |
| | | |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Sales price with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency |
| | | |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Sales price with VAT included in customer displayed currency |
| | | |-- <RentVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Rent VAT display |
| | | |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Sales price exclusive VAT display |
| | | |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay> | - | 1 | double | Sales price incslusive VAT display |
| | |-- <DeliveredQuantity> | - | 0..1 | int | Delivered quantity e.g. 0 |
| | |-- <PurchaseOrderNumber> | 16 | 1 | string | Purchase order number |
| | |-- <PurchaseOrderItemId> | 10 | 1 | string | Purchase order item id |
| | |-- <productforms> | - | 0..1 | - | Product forms |
| | | |-- <productform> | - | 0..n | - | Product form fields |
| | | | |-- <formNumber> | - | 1 | int | Product form number |
| | | | |-- <label> | 500 | 1 | string | Product form field label |
| | | | |-- <value> | 200 | 1 | int | Product form field value |
| | |-- <Flags> | - | 1 | - | Flags |
| | | |-- <Flag> | inf | 1 | string | Flag name |
| | | |-- @id | - | 1 | int | Flag id |
| | |-- <BusinessArea> | - | 1 | - | Business area information |
| | | |-- <Name> | 200 | 1 | string | Name of business area |
| | | |-- Export-<Id> | 200 | 1 | string | Export-id of business area |
| | |-- <TariffInformation> | - | 0..1 | - | Tariff information |
| | | |-- <TariffType> | - | 1 | int | Tariff type Create new - 0 Extension - 1 Porting - 2 |
| | | |-- <Operator> | 50 | 1 | string | Operator name |
| | | |-- <PricePlan> | - | 1 | int | Price plan (months) 0, 12, 18, 24, 36 |
| | | |-- <EnhancedMonthlyFee> | 50 | 1 | string | Enhanced monthly fee |
| | | |-- <TaxIdNumber> | 40 | 1 | string | Social security number or organization number of owner of subscription |
| | | |-- <CustomerType> | - | 1 | int | Type of customer 0 - Company 1 - Person |
| | | |-- <ExistingPhoneNumber> | 40 | 1 | string | Existing phone number |
| | | |-- <ExistingOperator> | 50 | 1 | string | Existing operator name |
| | | |-- <PortingCommission> | - | 1 | double | Porting commission |
| | | |-- <ImeiDiscount> | - | 1 | double | Imei discount |
| | | |-- <TariffExportId> | 100 | 1 | string | tariff export id |
| | | -- <Commission> | - | 1 | double | Tariff type commission |
| | |-- <TotalPrice> | Total price information | |||
| | | |-- <VAT> | double | VAT | ||
| | | |-- <ExclusiveVAT> | double | Total price exclusive VAT | ||
| | | |-- InclusiveVAT> | double | Total price inclusive VAT | ||
| | | |-- <RentVAT> | double | Rent VAT | ||
| | | |-- <RentExclusiveVAT> | double | Total rent exclusive VAT | ||
| | | |-- <RentInclusiveVAT> | double | Total rent inclusive VAT | ||
| | | |-- <VATDisplay> | double | VAT display | ||
| | | |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay> | double | Total price exclusive VAT display | ||
| | | |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay> | double | Total price inclusive VAT display | ||
| | | |-- <RentVATDisplay> | double | Rent VAT display | ||
| | | |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay> | double | Rent exclusive vat display | ||
| | | |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay> | double | Rent inclusive VAT display | ||
| | |-- <Suppliers> | Supplier information | |||
| | | |-- <Supplier> | 0..n | string | ||
| | | | |-- <Name> | string | Supplier name | ||
| | | |-- <SupplierExportId> | string | Supplier export id | ||
| | | |-- <SupplierArticleNo> | 0 | string | Supplier article number | |
| | | |-- <PurchasePrice> | double | Supplier purchase price | ||
| | | |-- <Instock> | double | Supplier instock | ||
| | |-- <ExtrinsicFields> | Extrinsic information ADD-ON | |||
| | | |-- <Extrinsic name="Test"> | 0..n | string | Extrinsic field value ADD-ON | |
| | |-- <Assortments> | ||||
|-- <Comment> | Comment information | |||
| |-- <AdminLink> | string | Admin URL to order | ||
| |-- <CommentText> | string | Comment text | ||
|-- <InternalComment> | Internal comment information | |||
| |-- <AdminLink> | string | Admin URL to order | ||
| |-- <CommentText> | string | Comment text |