XML sales order 

In this section, you are able to configure a XML sales order export either via FTP or a web service. 

If you wish to test or review the latest version of the XML sales order, you can download it here.

Tabular message description

This table describes each XML element/tag and is continuously updated with the latest version being 38.

XML Tags / AttributesLengthIt.TypeDescription

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-1-XML schema version and encoding


-1-Sales order
|  |-- @Id-MintSales order internal id
|  |-- @XMLVersion-MintVersion of sales order xml
|-- <OrderHeader>-1-Sales order header
|  |-- <Source>2001stringFrom where the order was created i.e. an order import. Is blank if created in checkout
|  |-- <ExternalSystemOrderNo>-1longSales order number
|  |-- <OrderDate>241stringSales order created date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100
|  |  |-- @raw-MlongSales order created date in epoch format in milliseconds
|  |-- <CreatedBy>2001stringOrdered by, first name + last name
|  |-- <CreatedByEmail>801stringOrdered by, email-address
|  |-- <OrderNumber>-1longSales order number
|  |-- <ExternalOrderNumber>2001stringExternal sales order number, custom value
|  |-- <ExternalOrderReference>2001stringExternal order reference, custom value
|  |-- <CustomerNo>201stringCustomer number
|  |-- <CustomerId>-1intCustomer internal id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupId>101stringCustomer group internal id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupName>2001stringCustomer group name
|  |-- <CustomerGLN>201stringCustomer GLN number
|  |-- <CustomerErpId>201stringCustomer ERP id
|  |-- <CustomerGroupErpId>201stringCustomer group ERP id
|  |-- <SalesPersonExportId>2001stringSales person export id
|  |-- <GoodsLabel>2001stringGoods label
|  |-- <Currency>101stringShop currency name
|  |-- <CurrencyId>-1intShop currency internal id
|  |-- <CurrencyDisplay>101stringDisplayed customer currency name
|  |-- <CurrencyDisplayId>-1intDisplayed customer currency internal id
|  |-- <CustomerPO>2001stringCustomer reference
|  |-- <InvoiceReference>2001stringInvoice reference
|  |-- <Status>-1int

Nettailer order status id

  • Unprocessed - 100
  • Waiting credit - 120
  • Waiting - 150
  • Waiting bank - 180
  • Denied bank - 190
  • Pending - 200
  • Partially delivered - 300
  • Delivered - 400
  • Closed - 500
  • Cancelled - 600
|  |-- <IsDirectDelivery>51stringDirect delivery, "true" or "false"
|  |-- <OrderAttester>4011stringOrder attester / approver name
|  |-- <Administrator>4011stringName of "Approved by" administrator
|  |-- <AdministratorLogin>2001stringUsername of "Approved by" administrator
|  |-- <AdministratorExportId>2001stringExport id of "Approved by" administrator
|  |-- <SalesTeam>2000..1string

Sales team label


|  |-- <SalesTeamExportId>2000..1string

Sales team export id


|  |-- <CustomFieldData>-1-Custom defined checkout fields
|  |  |-- <Field>-0..n-


|  |  |  |-- @id-Mint

Id of field

|  |  |  |-- <Label>2001stringlabel of field
|  |  |  |-- <Value>2001stringvalue of field
|  |-- <ExtrinsicFields>-1string

Custom export fields


|  |  |-- <Extrinsic>2000..nstring

Value of extrinsic field 

|  |  |  |-- @name200Mstring

Extrinsic field name

|  |-- <ResellerInformation>-1-Reseller/Shop information
|  |  |-- <Name>2001stringReseller/Shop name
|  |  |-- <CorpRegNo>2001stringCompany registration number or Shop organization number
|  |  |-- <VatNumber>2001stringShop VAT number
|  |-- <CompanyInformation>-1-Customer company information
|  |  |-- <Name>2001stringCustomer company name
|  |  |-- <CorpRegNo>401stringCustomer registration number
|  |  |-- <VatNumber>401stringCustomer VAT number
|  |-- <ContactInformation>-1-Sales order contact information
|  |  |-- <Contact>4011stringContact first name + last name
|  |  |-- <Name>-1-
|  |  |  |-- @firstName200MstringContact first name
|  |  |  |-- @lastName200MstringContact last name
|  |  |-- <Phone>401stringContact phone number
|  |  |-- <Mobile>401stringContact mobile number
|  |  |-- <Fax>401stringContact fax number
|  |  |-- <Email>801stringContact email
|  |-- <InvoiceRecipientContactInformation>-1-Invoice recipient contact information
|  |  |-- <Contact>4011stringInvoice recipient first name + last name
|  |  |-- <Name>4011stringInvoice recipient first name + last name
|  |  |-- <Phone>401stringInvoice recipient phone number
|  |  |-- <Mobile>401stringInvoice recipient mobile number
|  |  |-- <Fax>401stringInvoice recipient fax number
|  |  |-- <Email>801stringInvoice recipient email
|  |-- <DeliveryRecipientContactInformation>-1-Delivery recipient contact information
|  |  |-- <Name>401
stringDelivery recipient first name + last name
|  |  |-- <Email>80
stringDelivery recipient email
|  |  |-- <Phone1>40
stringDelivery recipient phone number
|  |  |-- <Phone2>40
stringDelivery recipient direct phone number
|  |  |-- <Mobile>40
stringDelivery recipient mobile number
|  |  |-- <Fax>40
stringDelivery recipient fax number
|  |-- <ShipmentOptions>-1-Shipment option information
|  |  |-- <Rental>-1int

Payment is rent type. 1 or 0

|  |  |-- <Payment>2001stringPayment option name
|  |  |-- <Payed>-1intIs order payed for. 1 or 0
|  |  |-- <Delivery>2001stringDelivery option name
|  |  |-- <DeliveryCode>201stringDelivery option external id
|  |  |-- <AllowPartialDelivery>-1intAllow partial delivery, 1 or 0
|  |  |-- <PaymentInformation>-1-Payment information
|  |  |  |-- <Payment>-0..n-Payment transactions
|  |  |  |  |-- <Provider>inf1stringPayment provider name
|  |  |  |  |-- <TransactionId>2001stringPayment transaction id
|  |  |  |  |-- <TransactionDate>241stringPayment transaction date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100
|  |  |  |  |-- <PaymentStatus>2001stringPayment transaction status 
|  |-- <FinancingOptions>-1-Financing information
|  |  |--  <FinancingPeriod>-1intFinance period in months
|  |-- <AddressingInformation>-1-Addressing information. 
|  |  |--  <BillToAddress>-1-Sales order invoice address. 
|  |  |  |--  @displayToCustomer5MstringAddress visible to customer. "true" or "false"
|  |  |  |--  @id10MstringCorresponding customer invoice address internal id
|  |  |  |--  <AddressName>4010..1stringSales order contact first name + last name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringStatic value "Name" translated 
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>200


stringInvoice address name
|  |  |  |--  <Company>2000..1stringInvoice address company name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address1>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 1
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address2>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 2
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address3>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 3
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address4>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 4
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <County>2000..1stringInvoice address county
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Zip>200..1stringInvoice address zip code
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <City>1000..1stringInvoice address city
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <State>500..1stringInvoice address state
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Country>2000..1stringInvoice country name
|  |  |  |  |--  @code3MstringInvoice country code (isoAlpha3)
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Code>2000..1stringInvoice address code
|  |  |  |--  <GLN>200..1stringInvoice address GLN
|  |  |--  <ShipToAddress>-1-Sales order delivery address. 
|  |  |  |--  @displayToCustomer5MstringAddress visible to customer. "true" or "false"
|  |  |  |--  @id10MstringCorresponding customer delivery address internal id
|  |  |  |--  <AddressName>4010..1stringSales order contact first name + last name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringStatic value "Name" translated 
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>200


stringDelivery address name
|  |  |  |--  <Company>2000..1stringDelivery address company name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address1>2000..1stringDelivery address street line 1
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address2>2000..1stringDelivery address street line 2
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address3>2000..1stringDelivery address street line 3
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address4>2000..1stringDelivery address street line 4
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <County>2000..1stringDelivery address county
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Zip>200..1stringDelivery address zip code
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <City>1000..1stringDelivery address city
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <State>500..1stringDelivery address state
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Country>2000..1stringDelivery country name
|  |  |  |  |--  @code3MstringDelivery country code (isoAlpha3)
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Code>2000..1stringDelivery address code
|  |  |  |--  <GLN>200..1stringDelivery address GLN
|  |  |--  <CrossShipmentAddress>-1-Sales order invoice address. 
|  |  |  |--  @id10MstringCorresponding customer invoice address internal id
|  |  |  |--  <AddressName>4010..1stringSales order contact first name + last name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringStatic value "Name" translated 
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>200


stringInvoice address name
|  |  |  |--  <Company>2000..1stringInvoice address company name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address1>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 1
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address2>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 2
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address3>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 3
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address4>2000..1stringInvoice address street line 4
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <County>2000..1stringInvoice address county
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Zip>200..1stringInvoice address zip code
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <City>1000..1stringInvoice address city
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <State>500..1stringInvoice address state
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Country>2000..1stringInvoice country name
|  |  |  |  |--  @code3MstringInvoice country code (isoAlpha3)
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Code>2000..1stringInvoice address code
|  |  |  |--  <GLN>200..1stringInvoice address GLN
|  |  |--  <EndDestination>-0..1-Sales order end destination address. 
|  |  |  |--  @id10MstringCorresponding customer end destination address internal id
|  |  |  |--  <AddressName>4010..1stringSales order contact first name + last name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringStatic value "Name" translated 
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>200


stringEnd destination address name
|  |  |  |--  <Company>2000..1stringEnd destination address company name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address1>2000..1stringEnd destination address street line 1
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address2>2000..1stringEnd destination address street line 2
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address3>2000..1stringEnd destination address street line 3
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address4>2000..1stringEnd destination address street line 4
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <County>2000..1stringEnd destination address county
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Zip>200..1stringEnd destination address zip code
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <City>1000..1stringEnd destination address city
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <State>500..1stringEnd destination address state
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Country>2000..1stringEnd destination country name
|  |  |  |  |--  @code3MstringEnd destination country code (isoAlpha3)
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Code>2000..1stringEnd destination address code
|  |  |  |--  <GLN>200..1stringEnd destination address GLN
|  |  |--  <Consignee>-0..1-Sales order consignee address. 
|  |  |  |--  @id10MstringCorresponding customer consignee address internal id
|  |  |  |--  <AddressName>4010..1stringSales order contact first name + last name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringStatic value "Name" translated 
|  |  |  |--  <Attention>200


stringConsignee address name
|  |  |  |--  <Company>2000..1stringConsignee address company name
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address1>2000..1stringConsignee address street line 1
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address2>2000..1stringConsignee address street line 2
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address3>2000..1stringConsignee address street line 3
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Address4>2000..1stringConsignee address street line 4
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <County>2000..1stringConsignee address county
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Zip>200..1stringConsignee address zip code
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <City>1000..1stringConsignee address city
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <State>500..1stringConsignee address state
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Country>2000..1stringConsignee country name
|  |  |  |  |--  @code3MstringConsignee country code (isoAlpha3)
|  |  |  |  |--  @labelinfMstringThis field's label in checkout
|  |  |  |--  <Code>2000..1stringConsignee address code
|  |  |  |--  <GLN>200..1stringConsignee address GLN
 |  |-- <ShippingTotal>-1-Shipping total information
|  |  |-- <VAT>-1doubleShipping VAT
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>-1doubleShipping with VAT excluded
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>-1doubleShipping with VAT included
|  |  |-- <VATDisplay>-1doubleShipping VAT in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleShipping with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleShipping with VAT included in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleShipping rent with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleShipping rent with VAT included in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <TaxCode>2001stringShipping tax code
|  |  |-- <ShippingArticleNo>501stringShipping matrix article number
|  |-- <Fees>--1Fees
|  |  |-- <Fee>-0..n-Fee
|  |  |  |-- @labelinfMstringFee label
|  |  |  |-- TaxCode2001stringFee tax code
|  |  |  |-- Cost-1-Fee cost
|  |  |  |  |-- <VAT>-1doubleFee VAT
|  |  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>-1doubleFee  with VAT excluded
|  |  |  |  |--<InclusiveVAT>-1doubleFee with VAT included
|  |  |  |  |--<VATDisplay>-1doubleFee VAT in customer displayed currency
|  |  |  |  |--<ExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleFee with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
|  |  |  |  |--<InclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleFee with VAT included in customer displayed currency
|  |-- <OrderTotal>-1-Order total information
|  |  |-- <VAT>-1doubleOrder total VAT
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>-1doubleOrder total with VAT excluded
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>-1doubleOrder total with VAT included
|  |  |-- <RentVAT>-1doubleOrder total rent VAT
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>-1doubleOrder total rent with VAT excluded
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>-1doubleOrder total rent with VAT included
|  |  |-- <VATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total VATin customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total with VAT included in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total rent VAT in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total rent with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
|  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleOrder total rent with VAT included in customer displayed currency
|  |-- <Quotes>-0..1-Quote information
|  |  |-- <Quote>-0..n-Quote information
|  |  |  |-- <Id>-1intQuote internal id
|  |  |  |-- <QuoteNumber>2001stringQuote number
|  |  |  |-- <Name>2001stringQuote label
|  |  |  |-- <SalesPrice>
1doubleQuote sales price
|  |  |  |-- <CreatedDate>241stringQuote created date with format 2024-03-25T23:02:07+0100
|  |  |  |-- <QuoteAdmin>-1-Administrator who created quote
|  |  |  |  |-- <Name>2001stringName of administrator who created quote
|  |  |  |  |-- <Id>101stringInternal id of administrator who created quote
|  |  |  |  |-- <ExportId>2001stringExport id of administrator who created quote
|-- <OrderLines>-1-Order lines
|  |-- <ProductLine>-0..n-Order line
|  |  |-- @type-Mint

Type of order line:

Normal - 0
Package - 2
Tariff - 4
Voucher - 5

|  |  |-- @id10Mstring

Internal id of order line

|  |  |-- @groupid10Mstring

If the item is part of a package, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the package head. Otherwise it's identical to the internal id of the same line.

|  |  |-- @parentid10Mstring

If the item is a product option, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the option parent. Otherwise it's blank

If the item is a tariff item, this value corresponds to the internal id of the order line that contains the tariff product. Otherwise it's blank.

|  |  |-- @quoteid10Mstring

If the item is part of a quote, this value corresponds to the internal id of the quote.

|  |  |-- <LineId>-1intOrder line number enumerated from 1
|  |  |-- <ManufacturerArticleNo>501stringManufacturer article number
|  |  |-- <SupplierArticleNo>751stringSupplier article number
|  |  |-- <Label>7501stringProduct label
|  |  |-- <Labels>-0..1-Language specific labels
|  |  |  |-- <Label iso="en" =language="English">

stringLanguage specific label
|  |  |  |-- @iso2MstringLanguage two-letter ISO code
|  |  |  |-- @languageinfMstringLanguage display name
|  |  |-- <Manufacturer>2001stringManufacturer
|  |  |-- <Restrictions>500..1stringRestrictions
|  |  |-- <Supplier>2001stringSupplier name
|  |  |-- <SupplierExportId>2001stringSupplier export id
|  |  |-- <Quantity>-1doubleQuantity
|  |  |-- <CostPrice>-1doubleCost price
|  |  |-- <DiscountPercent>-1intDiscount percent
|  |  |-- <SupplierPrice>-1doubleSupplier price
|  |  |-- <RegisteredPurchasePrice>-1doubleRegistered purchase price
|  |  |-- <CalculatedPurchasePrice>-1doubleCalculated purchase price
|  |  |-- <CalculatedCostPrice>-1doubleCalculated cost price
|  |  |-- <Instock>-1intIn stock e.g. 50
|  |  |-- <StockETA>101stringStock date in format with format 2024-03-25
|  |  |-- <PurchasePriceType>-1intPurchase price type
Undefined - 0
Normal - 1
Verva - 2
BID - 3
|  |  |-- <MainCategory>2541stringMain category label
|  |  |-- <MainCategoryExportId>4001stringMain category export id
|  |  |-- <Category>2431stringCategory label
|  |  |-- <CategoryCode>201stringCategory code
|  |  |-- <CategoryExportId>4001stringCategory export id
|  |  |-- <UNSPSC>201stringUNSPSC code
|  |  |  |--  @version20MstringUNSPSC version
|  |  |-- <Family>2001stringProduct family
|  |  |-- <Status>-1int

Nettailer order status id

  • Unprocessed - 100
  • Waiting credit - 120
  • Waiting - 150
  • Waiting bank - 180
  • Denied bank - 190
  • Pending - 200
  • Partially delivered - 300
  • Delivered - 400
  • Closed - 500
  • Cancelled - 600
|  |  |-- <Bid>2001stringBid
|  |  |-- <TaxCode>2001stringTax code
|  |  |-- <ProductConditionCode>-1intProduct condition code
|  |  |-- <Comment>2501stringLine comment
|  |  |-- <Image>inf1stringImage URL
|  |  |-- <ProductId>101stringProduct Nettailer-id
|  |  |-- <TaxPercent>-1doubleTax percent e.g 0.2500
|  |  |-- <SalesPrice>-1-Sales price information
 |  |  |  |-- <VAT>-1doubleSales price VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>-1doubleSales price with VAT excluded
 |  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVAT>-1doubleSales price with VAT included
 |  |  |  |-- <RentVAT>-1doubleSales price rent VAT
 |  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>-1doubleSales price rent with VAT excluded
 |  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>-1doubleSales price rent with VAT included
 |  |  |  |-- <VATDisplay>-1doubleSales price VAT in customer displayed currency
 |  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleSales price with VAT excluded in customer displayed currency
 |  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleSales price with VAT included in customer displayed currency
 |  |  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>-1doubleRent VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleSales price exclusive VAT display
 |  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>-1doubleSales price incslusive VAT display
 |  |  |-- <DeliveredQuantity>-0..1intDelivered quantity e.g. 0
 |  |  |-- <PurchaseOrderNumber>161stringPurchase order number
|  |  |-- <PurchaseOrderItemId>101stringPurchase order item id
|  |  |-- <productforms>-0..1-Product forms
|  |  |  |-- <productform>-0..n-Product form fields
|  |  |  |  |-- <formNumber>-1intProduct form number
|  |  |  |  |-- <label>5001stringProduct form field label
|  |  |  |  |-- <value>2001intProduct form field value
|  |  |-- <Flags>-1-Flags
|  |  |  |-- <Flag>inf1stringFlag name
|  |  |  |-- @id-1intFlag id
|  |  |-- <BusinessArea>-1-

Business area information

 |  |  |  |-- <Name>2001string

Name of business area 

 |  |  |  |-- Export-<Id>2001string

Export-id of business area 

|  |  |-- <TariffInformation>-0..1-

Tariff information

|  |  |  |-- <TariffType>-1intTariff type
Create new - 0
Extension - 1
Porting - 2
|  |  |  |-- <Operator>501stringOperator name
|  |  |  |-- <PricePlan>-1intPrice plan (months)
0, 12, 18, 24, 36
|  |  |  |-- <EnhancedMonthlyFee>501stringEnhanced monthly fee
|  |  |  |-- <TaxIdNumber>401stringSocial security number or organization number of owner of subscription
|  |  |  |-- <CustomerType>-1intType of customer
0 - Company
1 - Person
|  |  |  |-- <ExistingPhoneNumber>401stringExisting phone number
|  |  |  |-- <ExistingOperator>501stringExisting operator name
|  |  |  |-- <PortingCommission>-1doublePorting commission
|  |  |  |-- <ImeiDiscount>-1doubleImei discount
|  |  |  |-- <TariffExportId>1001stringtariff export id
|  |  | -- <Commission>-1double

Tariff type commission

|  |  |-- <TotalPrice>

Total price information
|  |  |  |-- <VAT>

|  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal price exclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- InclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal price inclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentVAT>

doubleRent VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent exclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVAT>

doubleTotal rent inclusive VAT
|  |  |  |-- <VATDisplay>

doubleVAT display
|  |  |  |-- <ExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal price exclusive VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <InclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleTotal price inclusive VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <RentVATDisplay>

doubleRent VAT display
|  |  |  |-- <RentExclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent exclusive vat display
|  |  |  |-- <RentInclusiveVATDisplay>

doubleRent inclusive VAT display
|  |  |-- <Suppliers>

Supplier information
|  |  |  |-- <Supplier>
|  |  |  |  |-- <Name>

stringSupplier name
|  |  |  |-- <SupplierExportId>

stringSupplier export id
|  |  |  |-- <SupplierArticleNo>
0stringSupplier article number
|  |  |  |-- <PurchasePrice>

doubleSupplier purchase price
|  |  |  |-- <Instock>

doubleSupplier instock
|  |  |-- <ExtrinsicFields>

Extrinsic information ADD-ON

|  |  |  |-- <Extrinsic name="Test">

Extrinsic field value ADD-ON

|  |  |-- <Assortments>

|-- <Comment>

Comment information
|  |-- <AdminLink>

stringAdmin URL to order
|  |-- <CommentText>

stringComment text
|-- <InternalComment>

Internal comment information
|  |-- <AdminLink>

stringAdmin URL to order
|  |-- <CommentText>

stringComment text

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