November 2019
  • Price logic groups
  • Add shop setting for search-text
  • Modified copy customer function
  • Add Setting to Hide Used Quotes from Customers
  • Add option to show sales number in order view
  • Order CC email on Administrator
  • Add minimum package quantity to product export
  • Add Google Tag manager
New distributor
  • ExclusiveNetworks
  • Telefonshoppen
Fixes, modifications and enhancements of existing features
  • Display shipping that have a cost of zero

  • Add label to mobile search filter toggle button

  • Change order in Promotion Categories View

  • Move login button beside the compare button in RWD
  • Add cost price in fixed price editor/view
  • Fix customer RWD profile being overwritten
  • Fix missing CNET data on used products
  • Fix RWD presentation of product labelĀ 
  • ElasticSearch handle customer connected products

*Please note that some feature are only available for responsive design.

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