
If you store your stock in multiple warehouses then you can reflect this in store.  You can create warehouses and virtual warehouses and manage where the stock is situated. However should you not want warehouses visible to customers - stock levels can be merged by disabling Settings > Settings > Products > Stock > 'Separate stock per warehouse'.

Create/Edit Warehouses


What it does


Give your warehouse a meaningful name

Sort order

This lets you dictate the order that the warehouses appear in your store. Lower numbers will appear higher in the list.

Supplier warehouse

Enabling this will show the stock levels from supplier feeds.

Handy Hint

If you have multiple warehouses created - you should always have one warehouse set as your Supplier warehouse.

FTP stock import

FeatureWhat it does
Use automatic stock updates via FTPIf enabled you may update this warehouse via a file imported from an FTP specified in the following fields.
Host nameThe URL/TTP address of the server you wish to access the file from.
UsernameThe username required to access the host.
PasswordThe password required to access the host.
File nameThe file you wish to access.
Passive modeThe FTP can be run in Active or Passive mode, for this kind of setup passive mode is more commonly used.
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