Within the “Export” section of Nettailer there are a number of functions that can be performed to extract data from your store, in various formats to suit requirements such as reporting or populating information with accounts and ERP systems.


In the “Exports” section, this is where you can create your own custom exports to either be downloaded as a file or sent to an FTP location of your choosing.

Creating a new Export

To create a new export from your store, navigate to Exports>Exports and press the create button

From this screen the first action is to select the type of export you wish to run – this is chosen from the “Type of Export” drop down menu.

Types of Exports

By selecting a type of export from the drop down menu the fields with in the export at the bottom of the page will change to match the relevant data sets available to that particular export.

Export Tool Sections

The other fields available in this section are:

Name – what you wish to call this specific export.

Enable export job URL – this will create a URL download link when the export is created. Following this URL is how you access your export download file. (this would not be necessary if you are sending your export directly to an FTP).

Run Option – This is how often you want the export to run. If the export is set to active it will run around 7am and 7pm daily and the new file will be available from these times in your list of exports.

The export can also be set to run once if the export is only needed as a one off.

FTP Settings

Exports can be set up to send the created export file directly to an FTP – the details of which would need to be populated above.

File Settings

In this section, you provide the filename and indicate the desired file type (CSV or XML). You also select the file and choose a delimiter from the available settings.

Other Export Fields

Depending on the type of export initially selected additional fields will be available to customise the export that is generated. For example by creating a product export for specific customers, suppliers or manufacturers can be included or excluded on an export and the fields available in the export will change depending on the data available.


Using the product export as an example you can see there are various options to customise the fields created by the export

For any type of export the basic rules will apply for these fields

Field – this will always be the data available from the store for this category of export

Sort order – this determines the column that the data will appear in – note, if no sort order is provided the store will not include this field in the generated export.

Min / max decimals – limits the number of decimal points on the export.

Header – this allows you to rename the “field” category to suit your own naming convention for example you may change “Manufacturer part number” to “MPN” on your export.

Max length – limits the number of characters allowed for that field.

Enclose in double quotes – this will wrap this data field in double quotes in the export.


Please be aware that your export runs twice a day, approximately at 7 am and again at 7 pm.

Once completed, it will be available for you to download from the URL provided at the top of the export editor (which will not be visible until after you save your export setting configuration)

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