Several emails are automatically generated by the shop at different times or events, such as when an order transitions from processing to dispatched. You can modify these emails by accessing them and clicking on the "Edit" option.


It is crucial to complete the email templates before launching your store. In the "contact information" section, specify the "from" email address for each mail template. This ensures that customers recognise the sender and know where to respond if necessary.

While the store emails can operate without additional content adaptations, it is recommended to add your own content, such as "Thank you for shopping with your store name," for a professional and personalised touch.

Please refrain from removing any values in the templates, as they serve a purpose, and removing them may result in consequences.

The email templates that you can edit the sender are as follows:

An administrator has commented an order An administrator has commented an order
Distributor products already exist locallyDistributor products already exist locally
Email domain changeEmail domain change
Invoice mailInvoice from $0
Logged in from new IP addressLogged in from new IP address
Mail on rejected approvalOrder rejected
Mail sent when an order is set to deletedThe order was set to deleted
Mail sent when an order is set to deliveredDispatch Confirmation
Mail sent when an order is set to partly deliveredThe order was set to $1
Mail sent when an order is set to pendingThe order was set to pending
Mail that is sent when the order changes to a user-defined status (not system specific)Your order has changed status to $1
Mail to a customer when a product package has changedOne of your product packages has changed
Mail to admin when a new order has been madeA new order has been made
Mail to admin when a new return has been createdA new return has been created
Mail to admin when a product has been deletedA product has been deleted
Mail to admin when an order has been delivered to a retailerAn order has been delivered to a retailer
Mail to admin when an order has changedAn order has changed
Mail to approver when a new order has been madeYou've a new order to approve
Mail to customer at inactive registrationYou have been registered at the shop
Mail to customer at registrationA new customer has registered
Mail to the customer when a return has changedYour return has changed
Mail to the customer when an order has changedYour order has changed
Mail to the customer when he is activatedYou've been activated (Sends customer a link to create their own password)
Order confirmation to the customerOrder Confirmation
Order receiptOrder receipt
Product notification to adminProduct notification
Product notification to customerProduct notification
Product promotion back in stockProduct promotion back in stock
Product promotion out of stockProduct promotion out of stock
Quote request to adminQuote request
Quotes have been inactivatedQuotes have been inactivated
Reset passwordReset password
Verva order Verva order notification (NA in UK)
Warning about expired products in agreement assortmentsNotification that products in an agreement assortment have expired 

You are now able to create mail templates for your own order statuses with this tool.

Please Note

You may only create mail templates for "User created" order statuses. For "System statuses" you must edit its linked mail template.

Pulling order number and other data into store generated emails

You can add product name / order number into some of the the customer facing emails.

Note that depending on the template, the parameters can yield different results.

The following templates is using parameters. 

Mail on rejected approval{0} Order number, {1} Name of approver
Mail sent when an order is set to deleted

{0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference

Mail sent when an order is set to delivered{0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference
Mail sent when an order is set to partly delivered{0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference
Mail sent when an order is set to pending{0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference
Mail that is sent when the order changes to a user-defined status (not system specific){0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference
Mail to a customer when a product package has changed{0} Bundle name, {1} Product name, {2} Article number
Mail to approver when a new order has been made{0} Order number, {1} URL link to order
Mail to customer at inactive registration-
Mail to the customer when a return has changed{0} "Your return has changed", {1} URL Link to order
Mail to the customer when an order has changed{0} Date + Time + Comment, {1} URL link to order, {reference} customer reference
Mail to the customer when he is activated (Sends customer a link to create their password){0} Username, {1} URL link to create new password, {2} URL link to webshop
Quote{1} URL link to quote

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