At times, you might encounter a duplicate customer account, typically when an individual customer registers in the store and forgets or is unaware of the customer reference code to link their account to another within the same organisation. This tool enables you to effectively handle such accounts by allowing you to merge two (or more) customers into one. This process consolidates all data and users into a single customer entry instead of having multiple separate entries.


What it does


Select the customer you want to merge your customers with.

All other customers with the same customer number

Selects all other customers with the same customer number.


What it does


Remove the selected customer after the merge.

Move all orders

Move all orders, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all usersMove all users connected to the customer to the new customer.
Move all addresses

Move all delivery and invoice addresses linked to the old customer.

Move all pricing logicMove all pricing logic that is linked to the old customer.
Move all filtersMove all filters, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all contract assortmentsMove all contract assortments, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all productsMove all products, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all product packagesMove all product packages, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all delivery methodsMove all delivery methods, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all profilesMove all profiling, which is linked to the customer, to the new customer.
Move all profiling categoriesMove all profiling categories, which are linked to the customer, to the new customer.


What it does

FromSelect the customer you want to move the date from and merge with the "To" option selected above.


What it does

RemoveAllows to delete a customer

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