-Additional feature - PunchOut

Standard module that allows easy flow. Punch out of the cart to the customer's system. No import back of the order.

This feature is developed to deal with a so called punch-out between the shop and end-customer's purchasing module / intranet. Netset have a standard for this but this should be reviewed and adapted to meet customer needs.
Before the solution is live you have to connect the existing punch-out with the right customer. Contact Netset for instructions on this when the time comes.

It will take some adjustments for every new customer that will be connected.

How it works
The customer logs into the shop via the preset URL, adds products to the shopping cart and goes to the Check Out where the button for "Place order" is exchanged for "Continue" or similar. 
When the customer then clicks on "Continue", a so-called shopping cart message is generated to the customer's own system, and can be handled further.
When PunchOut is used, it combines with functionality for External Login so that the end customer can log in directly via his own system or intranet.
Linking to the webshop and logging in of a customer assumes that the customer is in the webshop and is connected to the current punch-out.

PunchOut OCI 3.0
The webshop installs a module that implements parts of the OCI 3.0 specification and which can be supplemented if necessary. OCI 3.0 is the most common format for PunchOut today.
However, configuration needs to be made for each integration before it can be used against the end customer's system.

PEPPOL PunchOut 18A
Is built on the standard for XML and OASIS Universal Business Language. It is not so often requested so far. The principle is as described above.

-Additional feature - PunchIn

Importing customer orders in accordance with specified file format and structure is often called PunchIn. 
Import can only be done on products and customers that are already in the shop. Likewise, the customer price in the import must comply with the customer's actual daily price. Adaptations can be made to manage and notify about price deviations.
Imported order ends up in the status New for further management of the administrator. Order confirmations and the delivery update are in accordance with the customer's settings in the shop. Addition of fields for external order number can be made.

Supplements can also be made for so-called system receipt / order responses, which is a confirmation to the sending system that the shop received the order transfer.

The functionality is set up by Netset customer for customer. Can not be administered by the Dealer. 

SveOrder BIS 28A (PEPPOL)
For order imports, the format SveOrder BIS 28A (PEPPOL) is mostly used today, for the Swedish market, which also includes order responses. 

Other formats
The other formats that may occur here are cXML (exempel) and for SE also SveOrder 2.0, without order response.

A full two-way integration, often called RoundTrip, is a combination of Catalog export / PunchOut and PunchIn. 

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