In the Nettailer 20.4 release, handling of direct and cross-shipment is changed. This means that some settings have been added and some have been moved. We recommend this document is reviewed.

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Definitions & overview of shipment types

Direct shipment (default/standard)

Direct-shipment is used for orders where shipment should be delivered directly from the supplier to the end-customer.

This delivery method is used when the order has the option [Order is direct shipment] checked.

The delivery address used in the supplier purchase order is defined from [Order / Contact Information / Direct-shipment address] (the address set by the customer in their order).


Cross-shipment is used for orders where shipment should be delivered from the supplier to reseller before sending to the end-customer. Typical used in case of consolidation or configuration at the reseller.

This delivery method is used when the order has the option [Order is direct shipment] unchecked

The delivery-address then sent in the supplier purchase order is defined from [Order / Contact Information / Cross-shipment address].


If the customer chooses a delivery options that is defined as "Pick up in store" then the sales order delivery-address is prefilled with the address defined in [Delivery option / Pick up in store].

New in Nettailer

Reseller addresses

You are now able to define a of your own fixed addresses under [Shipping / Delivery Site].

These addresses can be assigned to admin-users and is also accessible as dropdown options in order-admin for orders changed from direct- to cross-shipment.

When upgrading from previously version of Nettailer the [Shipping / Delivery site] is automatically updated with addresses previously used on admin-users. We recommend you start with a cleanup and remove any duplicates. Please note the name is used for drop-down selection so proper naming is important to define each address and makes future selection easier.

After updating the [Shipping / Delivery Site] each admin-user can be assigned to an address.


Delivery options

On each [Shipping / delivery options] it is now possible to define whether the delivery options are store-pickup or cross-shipment and in each case define a delivery address to be used when this delivery option is selected.

  • If neither store-pickup nor cross-shipment is activated the delivery option works as direct-shipment (the address specified by the customer in the order).
  • If cross-shipment is selected the address specified in this delivery option will be used, unless a cross-shipment address is defined on the customer directly (customer connected cross shipment addresses have a higher priority than general (global) defined cross shipment addresses).
  • If store-pickup is selected, then the defined address will be set as the direct-shipment address on the order.
  • If both store-pickup and cross-shipment is activated on the delivery option, the cross-shipment address will be used.

Note: When a cross-shipment address is set on a delivery option or a customer but is not valid; the reseller address set on the admin-user will be used instead. This applies only if the cross-shipment address on the delivery option or the customer is to be used and if the reseller address is valid.

Cross-shipment address on customer

On each customer a default a cross-shipment address can be defined which will be used for all orders.

Cross-shipment address define on customer level have higher priority than cross-shipment address defined on general (global) delivery options.

Order handling in administration

The “Order is direct-shipment” checkbox is moved from tab-page [Order] to [Contact info] and is found together with the Direct-shipment address (formerly named delivery address).

On order level the admin-user can toggle between direct- and cross-shipment and manually change the cross-shipment address. If cross-shipment is active when purchase order is created the delivery address sent to supplier is cross-shipment address.

Cross-shipment address selection priority


  1. Address from customer connected delivery option with cross-shipment active
  2. Customer have cross-shipment address active
  3. Address from delivery option with cross-shipment active
  4. Address connected to the admin-user (technical fall-over only)
  5. If none exist, use the address for the reseller (technical fall-over only)*


* It is important that the shop's contact info has a delivery site set [Settings / Contact info / Delivery address.]. It is the last fallback that will be used when all previous addresses are not valid. If the shop's contact info has no valid delivery site, a cross-shipment order will not be added on the order when it is placed by the customer.

For more information on these features and your Nettailer, please contact your Netset business developer, Nettailer Support or consult the Nettailer online guide

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