With the "Sales Teams", you can create groups of administrators.
The advantage of this is that administrators only see orders that are relevant to them.

Orders are displayed to the administrator if one or more of the following conditions are met:
- The customer's salesperson is equal to the current administrator
- The customer's sales team is equal to a team to which the current administrator belongs to
- The customer's salesperson belongs to the same sales team as the current administrator

An administrator can belong to several sales teams.

Creating a sales team

SettingWhat it does
LabelThe name of the sales team.
Export IdID used in exports.
AdministratorsAdministrators that are included in the sales team. Add an administrator to the team by pressing the row.

Connect a customer to a sales team

After saving the sales team, you can press "Connect customer". Add a customer by pressing the row.
Repeat this step for all the customers you would like to attach to the sales team.

You can also connect a sales team directly from the customer setting called "Sales team".