With this add-on, you will have the ability to specify a Display category. You are able to do this from the product page in admin and the excel import.

This means that the product will remain in the category set by the portal, but will also be displayed in the category you have specified.

Points to note:

• This feature affects the navigation only.
• The products will remain associated with the original category and will remain the controlling reference.
• Product range and product limitations will only affect the original category and not display categories.
• All price logic's will only affect the original category and not display categories.
• Categories within a category group (navigation bar) will only display if the category contains at least one item attached directly to the category. Categories containing products attached using only Display categories won’t be visible.
• Product links remain connected to original categories, this only affects the URL and breadcrumb attached to the product pages.
• There “may” be some decrease of performance around your store's navigation and search facilities.
• Import Display Category on product level.

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