Netset would like to thank you for your contribution this first half of 2020 and wish you all a great summer.

In light of the uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, these six months our main focus has
been to maintain a high level of customer service and support. We are headlining in that summer vacation period and
a chance for some of that much-needed time off to recharge our batteries for the coming autumn.

Before you do though, Netset would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our newest release of 
Nettailer 20.4 and present some of our highlights.

We hope that these new features and improvements will make your Nettailer experience better and help make your
day to day administration even easier.  

For more information on these features and your Nettailer, please contact your Netset business developer, Nettailer Support or consult the Nettailer online guide

Read the newsletter in your browser, click here! 

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