-Addtional feature - 

On a customer/customer group, a tab is added where it is possible to upload a document, support is available for the most common formats.
The documents uploaded to the customer are then visible in a list on the same tab and can be downloaded and removed. The administrator can choose whether the document should be visible to the Customer or not in the front end list.
On the customer card, it is possible to select the uploaded documents on the customer/customer group as special routine documents Frontend:
The customer can see the documents that are uploaded under a separate tab under my pages When the tab is selected, the customer should come to a new view with an overview of the documents that are uploaded and be able to download them.

Administrator settings:
Under settings/admin settings enable "special routine notification"
Activate "special routine notification" on the customer/customer group
On the Customer/customer group tab "files" the document is attached

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