The logo service provided by ContentCast, is embedded through a JavaScript snippet and displays directly on the product page.
When a user moves the cursor over the logo, a fly-out window opens that encourages the user to add products to their cart.
Logos have significantly higher interaction rates then banners and is designed to drive add to cart behaviour.
For more information about a
vailable programs follow this link.

Setting up 1WorldSync Logo Services requires some extra action in Nettailer, but also at 1WorldSync (CNET).
This requires you to create your own account at 1WorldSync, which is free.

Please note that there may be additional fees for some 1WorldSync logo services.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create an account at
  2. In the 1WorldSync client portal, create a new product page script by clicking on the “Configure Product Page” banner.
  3. In the left pane, mark only “Logo Service”.
  4. Press “Logo Service” in the left pane.
  5. Mark the logos you want to use by clicking them.
  6. Use these settings:
    1. Layout: 5x1
    2. Style: Medium
    3. Popup Direction: Top
    4. Container ID: ccs-logos
    5. Insert: Replace existing content
  7. Press “Save” and then “Publish”.
  8. Press “Get code”. In the code, look for “_SKey” and “_ZoneID” values. Copy these values and paste into respective “Zone Id” and “SKey” field in Nettailer settings (Settings -> Settings -> Content providers -> 1WorldSync Content Portal section).
  9. Uncheck “1WorldSync Logo Services” and check “1WorldSync Content Services”.
  10. In “Included manufacturers for the CNET catalogue export”, add the manufacturers that you would like to include in the export separated with “~”-character.
  11. Press “Save”.
  12. If successful, a URL link will be generated at “Catalogue download URL”.
    Wait for the first export to be generated before proceeding with the next steps. This may take up to 24 hours.

  13. Go back to CNET client portal and go to “My Catalogs”.
  14. Press “Add Catalog”.
  15. Use these settings:
    1. Market: “World wide” or your country of interest.
    2. Error Threshold: Default
    3. Manual Upload or Automatic Upload: Automatic upload recommended
    4. File location: Paste the generated link from Nettailer settings here
    5. Username: Leave empty
    6. Password: Leave empty
    7. Set Schedule: Leave as default or set as needed
    8. Do not use schedule: Checked or unchecked (recommended)
    9. Full file: Checked
  16. In the modal window, use these settings:
    1. First row has headers: Unchecked
    2. File type: Comma separated (CSV)
  17. Press “Get File”.
  18. If successful, you will be redirected to the mapping page.
  19. Use these settings:
    1. File Encoding: UTF-8
    2. File Type: Comma separated (CSV)
    3. File Delimiter: Comma
    4. Map row 1 to “Product ID
    5. Map row 2 to “Manufacturer name
    6. Map row 3 to “Manufacturer Part Number
    7. Map row 4 to “Product Name or Description
    8. Map row 5 to “UPC/EAN
  20. Press “Save”.
  21. Wait for the first import to finish.

You are now done with the setup!